TriggerFish Grav-tank

8 ratings

One of the heavier in class GravSkimmers to see the frontlines. Despite it's nimble appearance this skimmer packs a heavy arsenal, absolutely obliterating their targets from afar. If you find yourself to be down the sights of one of these, you'd do your best to not be~

This is my first go at modeling any sort of vehicle, and I think I managed to get what was in my head into a multipart model. This kit like the ones before it, has a good deal of variety with how it can be assembled. Hull mounted, turret mounted, and even undermounted. The little guppies can be mounted to side engines as needed, or sisterly with their own options.

I'm not including any mounting holes on the TriggerFish or Guppies. I don't want to mar the model with a socket that you might not even use if you've got a preference for mounting skimmers, so I'll leave it to you to determine how you want to mount it to a base.

Supported files as always by the lovely Atlas3DSS and I've gone and pre-plated the base tank and variants excluding the optional turret pieces where necessary.~ 


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sweet set of print files

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TriggerFish Grav-tank

8 ratings